Over the last 20 years, SDC has supported local Scouting and Scouting in Bedfordshire, with many of the staff volunteering as leaders and their children benefiting from the scouting experience. The current focus for SDC is to support the Leslie Sell Activity Centre (LSAC), the Bedfordshire Scouts Camp site in Bromham near Bedford, which is run by volunteers, chaired by David Heard, an SDC employee. The COVID pandemic has resulted in the closure of this site but with running costs of £1500 per month on insurance etc with no income, it has placed this fantastic facility in a difficult financial position. SDC has decided to hold a family fun day to assist the LSAC financially and to allow them to continue to offer the scouting experience to young people across Bedfordshire which is even more important for our children to offset the effects of the COVID pandemic. This will allow the site to enhance the facilities and generate more revenue which, in turn, will allow Scouting to make a difference to young people for many years to come.



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Bedfordshire Scouts